

ACETECH’s Fleet Performance Optimization Technology and Services help emergency fleets who want to improve overall performance, put an end to manual vehicle data collection, minimize liability risk, and meet global standards of efficiency.

As part of Market 8 team, we implemented the customer-centric methodology to identify what was exactly the expectation of the buyers when reaching key website pages both from campaigns and organic traffic. Then laid out a plan to improve those pages and test assumptions, which resulted in an increase in leads.


There were only three insights from the surveys conducted on the importance of the website in the decision-making process, mostly noting that it wasn’t very helpful.

  • The website was very poor in comparison to other suppliers. Don’t remember I found anything on the site.
  • The website was very component-focused.  Does not tell the story of a full package. 
  • Specific insight into future vision. What is Acetech truly trying to achieve in the future?

That, needed fixing. And what better way to do it other than a design-first approach, reworking the information architecture, the messaging, and the visual design of the website?


Goal of the website:
The #1 thing buyers want to do on the site is to understand the value that ACETECH provides (“what’s in it for me”) and take the next step to book a meeting.


The approach started with research, – with Market8 team, a digital marketing company – which informed an action plan, and then prioritized actions based on the level of impact on the business.

We identified a series of landing pages that were critical in the user flows and the campaigns being run.

As soon as the research process began to uncover areas of improvement, we began an agile process of executing on improvements.


Key parts of the process included:

  • In-depth buyer’s research
  • Quantitative research
  • Conversion-centered design
  • User experience design
Website Design / UX / UI
Adobe CC

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